In ancient times Pachchhamayi was known as Shesha Pattan where there was a kingdom of Naag people. then Sanghar Monarchy defeated Naag monarchy & Sanghar princess Tagai Shangar was reiging the empire.
Tagai was the most beautiful lady of Shesha Pattan, so was known as Pachchham Padamani. Tagai had taken an oath to Kill all the Naag monarchs. Maarvadi Naagraj Bhrungraj Bhujang's mother was from Kutch. Bhittiraj Bherua and Bhrungraj became enemies because both wanted to wed Tagai (the Sanghar Princess). Bhujang & Bherua both were disciples of Lakh Guru Duttatreya. Guru felt so sad because both were his disciples & were fighting for a woman. But for some intrigue reasons & to finish the war he blessed Bhujang that he had to cross the sea from Saurashtra to come into Kutch, then Bherua would not be able to defeat him & could not use his skills too. As Guruji said, both fought badly & Bherua died finally. Then the Temple was built. One more true story is that, Guru Duttatreya was praying at Black Hills for so many years. Speechless animals were being fed here at his place. Once a hungry fox came to him. Guruji hadn't have anything with him. Thee was a unwritten rule that no one was going empty stomach from his door. For keeping the rule on, he cut one of his limbs to fed that fox. Since that day, everyday foxes from around comes to eat PRASHAD both of the times. Even no one at this place eats anything before feeding the foxes. There are many related & evident stories about this place. There is a hidden cave which directly draws to Geemar, which is banned for humans now. Since the period of Shri Ramchandraji, who was the first official Pujari of this Temple. The temple is maintained & worshiped by disciples & other locals. Specially people from Khavda village which is one of the leading village of this sub-island comes almost everyday here to look after this place.
25 kms north of Khavda, the top of the Black Hills is the highest point in Kutch, at 462 m. From here, the entire northern horizon vanishes into the Great Rann, the desert and sky often becoming indistinguishable. It is one of the few non-coastal locations where you feel like you are at the edge of the earth, on the brink of incomprehensible vastness that fades off towards infinity. Looking out from the Black Hills, you can understand the tremendous effort that those who undertake the crossing of the Great Rann have to make. Since this is one of the places where a civilian can get closest to the Pakistan border, there is an Army post at the top; beyond here, only military personnel are allowed. The hill is also the site of a 400-year-old temple to Dattatreya, the three-headed incarnation of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva in the same body. Legend says that when Dattatreya walked on the earth, he stopped at the Black Hills and found a band of starving jackals. Being a god, he offered them his body to eat and as they ate, his body continually regenerated itself. Because of this, for the last four centuries, the priest at the temple has prepared a batch of prasad that is fed to the jackals after the evening aarti.
Main Temple After earthquake the temple has just been renovated with a very attractive sculpture of Shri GURU DUTT. Specially designed with the Classic scripture reference, the sun exactly throws the rays from above the window of this temple. It gives a special Aura to the temple.
Shri Dutt Dhuno Shri DUTT Bhagwan ignited the DHUNO(Holy Fire) to worship here. To maintain the Importance of this place there is a intact holy fire has been kept here. This special place is a PRASHAD of GURU DUTT. .
Shri Hanumanji Mandir With the Pran-Pratishtha of Shri DUTT Mandir, a special Hanuman Mandir was no exception. With the help of Khavda Resident families. .
Shri DUTT Steps This place also is knitted by a myth that there is a secret way from here to Geernar Shikhar. But due to Safety reasons the door of this way is closed for civilians. There is a small Shiva Temple near this place.
Other Facilities| Accomodation with very trivial rents | Rest House | Food Court (FREE) | Worship Places | Gaushala | Community Hall.
Laung Prashad As the epic tells Shri DUTT Bhagwan was used to feed all the lives in the surroundings from Animals to Men, from Mammals to reptiles with whatever he had. To preserve the traidition, Foxes are still being fed everyday & night before the meal. Foxes really comes by a very interesting sound screams by the Local Pujaari.
Site Seeing |A vast coast of Ocean |A Group of Moutains & Deep Hills |Desert